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This post is very loosely about Seasonal Affective Disorder, otherwise known as “SAD.” Because of the subject, and the current time of year, instead of including some rather boring photos of my SAD lighting sitting on my vanity, I’ve chosen to pepper this post with my personal photos that were taken when I first arrived here in Scotland. Even though this time of year is darker with its lack of daylight and it’s often darker moods or its moodiness in general, there are some seriously beautiful things to look around at during this time of year. Back when I took them, I had quite a lot of fun taking artistic liberties with my images, throwing in some blurry vibes, color changes, etc. I have left them exactly as they were created back in the day, with mismatched borders and all.

Fiery Autumnal Tree, Scotland

Lacking a better way to start this post, I will just start with my feelings of Holy Sh*t I stumbled across SUCH a good song!!!

You know those songs that make you “feel” it in your chest? Maybe make your ears tingle? I found one. And I NEEDED to find it, as it helped me pull myself out of one the crankiest / bitchiest moods eeeevvvveeeer. My spell check keeps trying to make me correct that spelling of “ever”, and I am like no, I definitely want you to read it like the long extended version of said word. It really was SUCH a bitch of a mood I was in.

Anywho, I stumbled across this mash-up of two of my all-time FAVES. Sweet Dreams by the Eurythmics and Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes. It's covered by the super entertaining Pomplamoose who has swiftly become my favorite cover band. I’m gonna have to get myself to one of their gigs, if and when the opportunity presents itself.

Anyways, this song just cheered me up so effing much, I HAD to listen more than once and I simply had to share it with you. Thankfully, after hearing the song and feeling the vibes, that ever-elusive inspiration decided to show its beautiful self, and I was able to start writing. So please do enjoy the tune if you care to get cheerful / inspired with me. Then on to the blog, if you're still with me after :)

So, I've been feeling QUITE low lately. I'm trying pretty much everything I can think of to stay positive while trying not to be a huge bitch to myself (and others) when I do go to the inevitable dark side. But GODDAMN that has been hard. I notice that for me personally, during this time of year, not only is my energy level quite low but that my energy is a bit on the darker side. It seems to be significantly harder to stay on the positive side of things or see the glass as half full.

As I write this, it’s really glum outside, and it has been raining off and on. The sun hasn’t peered behind the clouds even once today. With the daylight hours dwindling down, the amount of light, and even the quality of the light coming through during daylight hours, I see it affecting many people around me. And I completely 100% feel it myself. I might be wallowing in it. *HEAVY SIGH* and a wink to those who know I am full-on wallowing in it. Haha ;)

White Autumn Berries, Scotland

Naked Winter Tree, Scotland

Now thinking back to my life in southern California, yes I would have my darker feeling days, but I could be at the beach in less than 30 minutes, and the sun would be shining brightly overhead no matter the time of year. Or I could layout in the backyard and soak up some sunshine while listening to some fave tunes, or throw on the old walking shoes and march around till I felt better. I totally took the light and the locale for granted. I think everyone there does.

I recently Skyped with a California friend who moved to Michigan a few years ago, and she confirmed, that yes she feels identical feelings regarding the California sunlight, and about taking it for granted. And especially how this seasonal change makes her feel. When we met, she and I would actually lament over wanting to be residing in colder darker locations here on the planet. We were both obsessed with the idea of rain and snow and seasonal change, and all that comes with it. I think neither of us accounted for the fact that when we lost the regular rays of sunshine, we would lose a certain amount of our own energy with those rays. We humans honestly don't realize just how much energy we receive from that big bright ball in the sky. It is literally and figuratively, our main source of energy, our solar power.

Amanita Muscaria, Scotland

A comment from a co-worker a couple of days ago quite resonated with me. She mentioned that so many animals in the animal kingdom are preparing for hibernation, and she looked rather pensive as she wondered out loud why we as humans cannot hibernate as well? I completely join her in this sentiment. I wish I could spend the next little while curled up all safe and cozy in my nest, to rest, recharge and recuperate.

Since we don’t really get the luxury of hibernation in a nest or a cave, I thought I would finish the post by discussing things we can do to try to help us through this time. Ways to live with the darkness, and embrace it, rather than trying to fight it or struggle against it. Please check some of my bullet points below:

Glorious Red Autumn Leaves, Scotland

  • Get a SAD light: Or get two, and use them in your line of sight for at least twenty minutes a day, especially when you feel your lowest and darkest. I do also suggest trying the lighting out at the beginning of the day when you’re trying to wake up. Here is the gentle and pretty alarm clock light I have, and the ultra-bright lightbox that will jolt your eyeballs. I don't recommend counting these as your only saviors from S.A.D. though. I can't tell if it makes a huge difference but I was willing to try anything. I think it works in tandem with the other stuff I am doing. Mostly. I honestly still feel so blah sometimes.

Lake of Menteith in Autumn, Scotland

  • Take Vitamin D. One a day. With a meal, as Vitamin D is fat-soluble rather than water-soluble. Here is what I have just started taking again. I think these are the best deal with the highest rating on Amazon right now.

  • Vitamins & Supplements: I dont take them as of yet, but St. John’s Wort, and multivitamins and supplements containing Vitamin B6, Thiamin, and Folic Acid come highly recommended in a quick Google Search.

Naked Yet Sparkling Winter Tree, St. Andrews Scotland

  • Exercise: Get your heart rate up for at least twenty minutes a day. Pick something you don't despise. Get that blood flowing, so you aren’t just stagnating in the darkness or by the TV at home. I like walking, mini trampoline, hula-hooping, and yoga. If you can’t get out to a class, set up some space in your home.

Naked Winter Tree Against Sky, Scotland

  • Eat Healthy - MOST of the time: Or a the majority of the time. Eating less sugar and highly processed foods will help your stomach and digestive system feel better, thus helping the mental state. NOTE: I am not gonna lie, I have a gorgeous home baked cake sitting here at home and we are planning on having a fat slice tonight after dinner. Please don’t totally starve yourself from some things that you love here and there, just dont make them the bulk of your diet. There is something to be said for the power of eating something naughty and delicious to help pick up your mood.

Fairy Tale Forest in Blanefield, Scotland

  • Listen to your favorite music: Make a playlist that you adore or several playlists that you adore for your different moods. Spotify is so good for this. Feeling like dancing? Like classical and calming, a fave band? Whatever you know will pull you out of your dark mood, put that on!

  • Get Creative: Make Something: Busy your hands, and make something tasty to eat, or if you’re feeling crafty or artistic, pull out your art and craft supplies, or your sewing machine, or your favorite form of creative adventure.

If You Want The Rainbow You Gotta Put Up With The Rain, Scotland

Okay if you are feeling the effects of the season, hopefully my post has helped you in some way shape or form, even if it only enjoyment of a good song, or looking at a few fun photographs. May you fare well in this dreary weather. And thank you for stopping by today. Have a lovely day or night wherever in the world you might be.

Tara xx