My Coconut Oil / MCT “Bulletproof” coffee this morning :)

My Coconut Oil / MCT “Bulletproof” coffee this morning :)

Firstly, a little video to start things off. The song is called “Bulletproof” of course ;)

It’s by a cover band called Pomplamoose. They're super entertaining. I like their mellow version of the original song by La Roux. Watch the guy to the front left. He will make you smile as he totally gets his groove on ;)

I dare you to not dance. Jack couldn't help it.

And below is another video to explain the origins of Bulletproof Coffee. It's an interview with the fellow who came up with the idea. He talks about the how and why, and he also talks about his method and ingredients he likes to recommend.

I totally prefer my simplified version without the blender, or the butter. But I know a few people who love theirs with it, and they swear by it. I may give it another go at some point, but my version sans butter has worked for me for over a year. And if it ain't broke?

OF NOTE: Myself, and the other Bulletproofers I know, none of us use the special “Bulletproof” beans or grounds that he discusses in the video or in many articles you may come across in your quest to learn more about it. We all use the fave grounds of our choice. We happen to love the brand Lavazza in our house. However, do check out the video if you have a few minutes to watch his interview. It’s worth a watch, even if you dont want to use all his name brand stuff.

Dave Asprey recently visited Pedram Shojai and showed him the proper way to make Bulletproof Coffee. Who better to show than the Bulletproof Executive himself? He explained how he came across the idea of putting butter into coffee as well as the benefits of doing so.

So I'm sipping my Bulletproof coffee as I write this. I’ve actually not had enough today, as I spent a good chunk of time this morning trying to get some decent photos for the post. Coffee was splashed, and it was spilled, and alas, coffee needed to be cleaned up. After all the photos and the clean up and other stuff this morning, I'M EFFING STARVING. Must. Drink. More. Coffee. Post. Haste.

Yep, returning to finish the post. After I wrote that last sentence about hunger I had to take a break and make a smoothie. It was just after 12pm. Since I do Intermittent Fasting with an eating window that opens after 12pm, I was fine. If you care to read about my experience with losing about 50 pounds, and feeling worlds better with the help of an eating window and such, check out my previous blog post here:

Anyways, if I've been consuming a good amount of my coffee throughout the morning, I don't really get any hunger pains till about 2ish. This is one of the reasons I drink the coffee. It truly helps to keep the hunger away until later in the day when that eating window opens up. The oils (or butter if you're using it) really and truly keep that hunger at bay.

I was talking about it with a friend just yesterday, and she took the words right out of my mouth. “I couldn't do it without the coffee.” So. Effing. True.

Honestly, that eating window would be so much more daunting without the help of the coffee laced with some oils. My sudden need to get up to make a smoothie is a prime example of what NOT having enough of the caffeine and oils in your empty morning stomach can do. You get to see the HANGRY MONSTER version of yourself. She can be terribly unpleasant. Am I right?

My two additives. My oils = my FOOD until I break into the eating window.

My two additives. My oils = my FOOD until I break into the eating window.

Moving on, I made my smoothie AND I finished my coffee. I just wanted to share exactly what I do each morning for those interested in trying it out. Actually, what my wonderful other half does for me on most mornings. Love him.

So this version is beyond easy. No blending in a blender, and no mega clean up after. You know what a pain it is to clean a blender. Especially first thing in the morning. Just ew. OK, check out the little recipe below:

  • Brew your coffee.

  • Add between a teaspoon and a tablespoon of MCT Oil. You will have to try different amounts to see your preference. My personal preference is a 1/2 tablespoon of MCT oil. I have tried four different kinds. I have liked them all. I use whatever I can get the most of for the least amount of money. Cheap and cheerful :)

  • Add between a teaspoon and a tablespoon of Organic Raw Coconut Oil -OR- Ghee -OR- Grass Fed Butter. This one you'll need to figure for yourself too. What do you like? I like about a 1/2 tablespoon of Organic Raw Coconut Oil. Same as MCT oil, I have used a bazillion kinds of coconut oil. Get the biggest bang for your buck. Look for one on sale. Cheap and cheerful again :)

  • Use your little whisk to blend it all up! Link to my beloved Aerolatte.

  • Drink it!!!

Okay everyone, thank you for stopping by, and have a lovely day or night wherever in the world you might find yourself.

Tara xx

My beloved “Aerolatte” which I purchased on Amazon. Mixes oh so nicely!

My beloved “Aerolatte” which I purchased on Amazon. Mixes oh so nicely!